
Ostaro was born in Delhi, India into a Vedic family. His father was a very celebrated Physician of Delhi (Hakim Haziq) who treated more than 200,000 patients in his lifetime. Like his father Ostaro was extremely fascinated by the Occult sciences since his childhood. His affinity for the Western culture took him to England where he stayed for six years and France where he lived for four years before coming to the United States. While in Paris, France, he carried out Kabbalistic research and wrote “Upon The Altars of Gold” an esoteric satire on materialism.

He practices a Chaldean system of astrology, a very ancient system which takes into account planetary indications in conjunction with numerological implications. He is an accomplished astrological consultant with a proven track record for more than three decades. His philosophy is Eastern while his approach to problem solving is Western. These two factors contribute largely to the depth of his knowledge and insight into human nature as he helps his clients overcome their obstacles and thus become more successful in achieving their goals.

He is known for the accurate predictions of his clients’ future and those of global events. Some of his predictions are:

  • The break-up of the Soviet Union
  • Both of Bill Clinton’s presidential races
  • The New York State elections of Gov. George Pataki, Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Hillary Clinton.


As a Kabbalistic astrologer Ostaro is internationally renowned for his accurate predictions such as the fall of the Soviet Union, both presidential elections of Bill Clinton, Senators Chuck Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton, among others. He has been consulted by Yoko Ono and gave individual astrological readings at the Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitneys. Guests included: Mary Lou Whitney, Marquesa Merry del Val, Carroll de Portago, Ambassador and Mrs. Jaime de Pinies and Lady Weidenfeld. He has appeared on dozens of radio shows nationwide. WMCA Radio in New York received 22,300 recorded calls during his appearances. He has been a guest on The David Letterman Show and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.